Thursday, May 20, 2010

Knowing Me, Knowing You #17

I am sneaking in and participating in the Fairy Blogmother's monthly quiz, linked up via Smother Mother.

1. Coffee or tea?

COFFEE!!!  Are four cups a day too many?  How about six?  Well, I’m not that extreme but those who know me can count on me going for coffee with them anytime.  Although I don’t really drink anything but decaf after 4pm.  Love the smell too.  Got some today from Equator who makes awesome fair trade fresh roasted coffee.  I like tea too but order me a coffee 9 out of 10 times.

2. Are you watching Glee?  Have I asked you that already?

Absolutely! Although I am a little behind with Lost being at the same time.  Love the music and sing along a fair bit.  My husband leaves the room.

3. Do you sing?

Yep, and I’m fair at it.  But that doesn’t stop me.  I belt it out in the car and am on pitch most of the time.

4. What is your favourite John Cusak movie?

Alas, I am not a big movie watcher so haven’t seen many.  Did like Serendipity.  I’m a sap for a sappy movie.

5. Burger or hot dog?

I like a good lean burger with lettuce, tomato and pickles.  I’m glad we’re heading into BBQ season and look forward to those easy burger meals that seem to make everyone happy.  Ah, summer.

Any other takers?  I like these quizzy thingies.  


  1. glad you're playing along! how can you not be a movie watcher? you have to rent high fidelity and grosse point blank. they are must sees.

    and i am thrilled with bbq season being here. i forgot to take something out for dinner tonight. so sausages on the barb it was. yum!

  2. Thanks for playing along. I always love reading everyone's answers. As for me what I lack in talent when it comes to singing I like to think I make up in enthusiasm. That's gotta count for something, right?
